IUOE Local 942 News

IUOE Executive Board 2024 Election Results

Sep 5, 2024

September 5, 2024

Dear IUOE Members

We hope this message finds you well! Thank you for your patience following last week’s election.

We are thrilled to announce that the following candidates have been elected to their roles on the IUOE 942 Executive Board. Their roles begin immediately and they will be sworn into their positions at the next Executive Board meeting. Please join us in welcoming:

  • Chad McNeill– President / Business Manager
  • Lacey Costain – Unit Representative, Queens Region
  • Matthew Holwell – Unit Representative, Queens Region
  • Tammy Harper – Unit Representative, Queens Region
  • TIE VOTE – Unit Representative, Queens Region
  • Megan Doucette – Unit Representative, East Prince Region
  • Janice Fenner – Unit Representative, East Prince Region
  • Chelsey Walker – Unit Representative, East Prince Region


The following candidates have been acclaimed into their roles. Please welcome back:

  • Donna Bevins-Connelly– Vice President
  • Dawna-Lee Perry– Recording Secretary
  • Cindee Higginbotham– Treasurer
  • Shania Ellsworth – Unit Representative, West Prince Region
  • Sandra MacNeill – Unit Representative, West Prince Region
  • Cindee Higginbotham – Unit Representative, Southern Kings Region
  • Nicole Allen – Trustee


The dedication and expertise of these individuals will undoubtedly drive our organization toward new achievements and continued success.

Concerning the Queens Region Unit Representative election, the vote tally revealed a tie for the fourth Unit Representative position. A recount will be held at the earliest opportunity. If a tie remains following the recount, the Union will resolve the tie by coin toss. We will keep you updated on the outcome and appreciate your patience as we finalize this process.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the election and supported the candidates. Your involvement is what makes our organization strong and vibrant.

Thank you, especially to our outgoing President Tracy Robertson. Tracy served many years as an Executive Board member before stepping into the role of President in 2019. She steered the union through difficult times, including the pandemic and the resulting challenges to our Health PEI members. Tracy, your dedication and service has been greatly appreciated.

IUOE Election Results 2024