IUOE Local 942 News

Summer Shifts Incentive for HPEI Members

Jun 25, 2024

June 24, 2024

Dear HPEI Members:

The IUOE Local 942 Executive Board wants to update you on the ongoing discussions regarding an incentive offered by Health PEI to pick up vacant summer shifts. After much consultation and internal discussion, the Board has decided to reject the offer that the employer has put forth regarding this incentive. We are adamant that the employer needs to expand its offer to include the whole membership and not just focus on a few pieces. As we have said many times: this is a team effort and every player is important. If the employer is serious about doing something that will actually help to fix the health care system, we are willing to sit down and negotiate a deal that will have meaningful impact on the system. Not just piecemeal, duct tape fixes that they continue to put forward, only to discover that piecemeal fixes don’t work. This is what happened last year with the incentives received by nursing staff to pick up vacant shifts. The Board tried very hard to negotiate a deal that would benefit the whole membership but the employer would only focus on critical areas. We believe that all areas are critical and important. Therefore, we cannot accept their proposal at this time.

In Solidarity,

IUOE Executive Board

HPEI Summer Shifts Incentive PDF