IUOE Local 942 News

Ongoing Vacancy Rates within the IUOE

Jul 29, 2024

Dear IUOE HPEI Members,

We are continuing to work with the employer in regards to vacancy rates in all IUOE HPEI classifications.

One in six IUOE positions remain vacant!

The burden felt across the system contributes to burnout, toxic workplaces, and high turnover. This could lead to impacts on patient outcomes. Services are impacted, and delayed and access to care continues to be difficult. We continue to lobby HPEI for a more active role in Retention & Recruitment for all IUOE classifications.

Creating working groups to look at labour market adjustments and classification reviews continues to be one of our main priorities despite HPEI’s apathy towards this collective bargaining initiative.


The Executive Board

IUOE Local 942

Continued Vacancy Rates Within IUOE PDF