IUOE Local 942 News

Privatization of MRI Clinic on PEI

Jan 30, 2025

January 30th, 2025

IUOE Local 942 wishes to express our concern regarding the recently announced plan to open a private MRI clinic in Summerside and its impact this may have on Health PEI’s ability to effectively deliver diagnostic imaging services within the public healthcare system. We are deeply concerned about the broader implications for equitable access and the sustainability of our public healthcare system.

The core principle of the Canadian healthcare system is that all residents should have access to medically necessary services based on need rather than the ability to pay. The introduction and expansion of private clinics by Health PEI risks creating a two-tiered system, where individuals with financial resources can gain quicker access to care, while those relying on public services face prolonged wait times. This disparity undermines the values of fairness and universality that are foundational to our healthcare system.

Operating a private MRI clinic will harm the public system by diverting essential and hard-to­ recruit healthcare professionals, such as Medical Radiation Technologists and MRI Coordinators, away from Health PEI. This outflow of talent would exacerbate existing staffing shortages and place additional strain on the public system, ultimately leading to longer wait times and diminished quality of care for those who depend on it. Should this clinic not poach employees directly from Health PEI facilities, the use of highly paid locums to staff these private clinics further devalues the work of the hard working professionals at Health PEI, worsening the ability of the public system to recruit and retain staff.

The reallocation of public healthcare funds to pay for services provided by private clinics­ where profit is prioritized over patient outcomes-has proven in other jurisdictions to be an inefficient use of public dollars. Public expenditures should instead focus on bringing the public system back to the standard that Islanders expect and deserve.

The privatization of our healthcare system is no longer gradual-it’s accelerating. Healthcare services in our province are being outsourced to the private sector. Cytology services have been removed from local labs and sent to private facilities out of province. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy for long-term care residents are now contracted to private clinics that profit while relying on public infrastructure to deliver services. Cataract surgeries have been fully privatized. There is excessive use of private contractors to provide travelling healthcare professionals at disproportionately high wages compared to our island healthcare workers. This government-sponsored privatization comes at a great cost to Islanders in both tax dollars, and in the erosion of our public institutions.

To address these concerns, we urge Health PEI and relevant policymakers to:

  1. Prioritize Investments in the Public System: Increase funding and resources for the maintenance and expansion of public diagnostic imaging services and other services to ensure timely access and reduce reliance on private alternatives.
  2. Strengthen Workforce Retention: Develop strategies to retain healthcare professionals within the public system and address staffing shortages to improve service Specifically, expedite labour market adjustments to bring compensation for highly trained and hard-to-recruit healthcare professionals to competitive levels across the province.
  3. Promote Equitable Access: Commit to policies that uphold the principles of universality and accessibility, ensuring that all Islanders can access necessary healthcare services without financial barriers.


Prince Edward Island’s public healthcare system has long been a source of pride and a critical pillar of our community. It is essential to protect its integrity and ensure that all residents have equal access to the care they need. We trust that Health PEI will take these concerns seriously and work to address the challenges posed by their increased reliance on private clinics to provide healthcare to Islanders. Our healthcare system is not for sale.

With Deep Concern,

Chad McNeill President, IUOE 942

Privatization of MRI Clinic on PEI